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Pin Definitions For Communication With Microcontroller
1. VCC 5V power input pin
2. GND power ground pin
3. CS SPI SLAVE select pin (Active Pin)
4. SO SPI master output slave input pin
5. SCLK SPI clock pin
6. INT MCP2515 interrupt pin

Interface On CAN Line
1. J1 CANH, CANL with 120 Ohm resistor terminal selection
2. J2 CANH, CANL direct without 120 Ohm resistor terminal selection
3. J3 Microcontroller Interface SPI pins
Note: Please go through the Schematic of MCP2515 CAN Module TJA1050 Receiver SPI 51 in second image

CAN Bus Module MCP2515 With TJA1050 Transreceiver


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